Search Engine & Content Optimization
You can create all sorts of content, employ an army of bloggers, copywriters, videographers and graphic artists to pump out content every day, but unless it’s optimized for search engines or for social sharing, it won’t do your bottom line any good. Search engine optimization (SEO) is no longer optional, it’s a foundational piece of any serious digital marketing plan. Without it you’re content won’t be found easily via search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing or even Allibaba.
Then there’s Content Optimization which focuses on optimizing any content you create for sharing purposes. When people discover your great content whether is a blog post, video or even a piece of audio such as a podcast, they want to share it with their networks. If they can’t share it, it’s a lost opportunity that you could have capitalized on.
Optimize Content for People, Not Search Engines
SEO techniques and tactics are utilized to increase the number of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in search results, but here’s the key: optimize for people first! That’s what our team of experts strategizes for, since it’s people we want our campaigns to connect and convert with. A search engine isn’t going to convert or share the content we create, people do. When people convert or share your content, the search engines take note and factor that into their algorithms that produce search results on keywords and phrases.