Harnessing the Power of Social Media President Trump has changed the landscape of political campaigns by harnessing the power of social media in a way, never seen before in politics. In fact it's left a…
Read MoreLet Your Data Inform Your Digital Marketing Roadmap Digital Marketing Analytics has become an integral part of core business strategies and maintaining a competitive edge. The analysis of digital marketing data refers to information collected in…
Read MoreRoadmapping Your Digital Marketing Efforts Planning your route forward in this new digitally automated world is essential if you want your message to reach your constituent base. From email, mobile, user experience, to social media…
Read MoreDeliver a Meaningful Constituent Experience Exceed your constituents’ expectations by providing quick and easy access to the information they need. Each and every day your audience is accessing information directly from their mobile device, computers…
Read MoreLiana “Li” Evans is the author of the award winning social media marketing book, “Social Media Marketing: Engaging Strategies for Facebook, Twitter & Other Social…
Pat Hall is a business growth expert who provides the analysis, insights and guidance to ease your journey. Since every client’s circumstances are unique, every engagement is…
Content drives not only traffic, but conversations & trust. Create top notch content marketing strategies that speak directly to your constituents. Content doesn't win. Optimized Content Wins!
CreateConsumers expect you to utilize the data you collect to enhance their experience when they engage with you, are you taking advanatage of that opportunity?
PersonalizeTwitter, Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest are just some of the places that allow you to speak directly to your constituents. Where are you engaging?
Author: Social Media Marketing
Author of the award winning “Social Media Marketing Book: Engaging Strategies for Facebook, Twitter & Other Social Media” published on QueBiz Press. Written for both novices & experts to apply core strategies of social media marketing including research, strategy and measurement on any social network effectively. Currently in 2nd print run, over 15K books sold
Read NowContributor: Influence Now eBook by Linkdex
Influence Marketing a Marketing Guide by Linkdex. Excerpt: When starting to develop an influencer marketing strategy, one should start at the foundation: listen and do your research! When you understand your audiences, yes, that is plural as most businesses have different segments that they can service, you understand what to look for...
Read NowContributor: Twitter Marketing Guide
Twitter Marketing Guide Momentology put together a guide to marketing on Twitter, of which I was a contributing writer. Li's focus was on showing what brands are doing things right with their accounts and engagement activities on Twitter.
Read NowAdjunctProfessor: Social Media & Social Media Analytics
AdjunctProfessor: Social Media & Social Media Analytics
Liana 'Li' Evans has been a AISTS Sports Marketing MBA Program focus on Social Media Marketing, Research and Implementation Strategies. Adjunct Professor for international students that eventually work with international sporting clubs, sports companies and government agencies
Columnist, Speaker & Trainer
Liana 'Li' Evans has been a regular Columnist, Speaker & Trainer on the industry trade publication, ClickZ. Li covers topics from SEO, Social Media, Measurement and Integrated Digital Marketing. In Social Media, Everyone Has ‘The Right’ To Be Offended Structured Data, Google Highlighter, and How Can They Help Your Business Utilizing Social Media to Help Improve Your Local Rankings
Read NowLiana Evans Featured Contributor: YouTube & Video Marketing an Hour a Day
Liana Li Evans Contributed to the marketing book You Tube & Video Marketing an Hour a Day by Greg Jarboe on Sibex/Wiley Press. Chapter 12 'Mysteries of Online Marketing Revealed' outlines the importance of optimization of the actual 'on site”' optimization and the words used to describes videos and their importance.
Read NowLiana Evans featured Online Marketing Hero
Liana Li Evans has been featured as a digital marketing expert in the Michael Miller Book: Online Marketing Heroes
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