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Digital Marketing & Constituent Experience Experts
With over 20 years of programming & marketing experience, our top notch team includes experts in search, social, content, personalization and mobile marketing. We can personalize your campaign for the best constituent experience that converts!
Political Digital Marketing Campaigns
The election of 2016 turned everything that was known in political campaigns on it proverbial head. Our team understands the power of social media & connecting with constituents personally, let us help your campaign, agency or non-profit get your story directly to them!
Harnessing the Power of Social Media
Social Media is a megaphone directly to your constituents, our expert marketers understand that power and know how to build strategies to harness that power.
Understanding Your Data - It's More Than Polls!
We don't work on just a 'hunch', we utilize data to drive campaigns. Social, Web, Mobile and Polls are all different points of data that need to be integrated to create the clear path forward to communicating with your constituents.


Our Team

Liana "Li" Evans

Liana “Li” Evans

(Political Digital Marketing Consultant)

Liana “Li” Evans is the author of the award winning social media marketing book, “Social Media Marketing:  Engaging Strategies for Facebook, Twitter & Other Social…

Pat Hall

Pat Hall

(Financial & Digital Marketing Consultant)

Pat Hall is a business growth expert who provides the analysis, insights and guidance to ease your journey. Since every client’s circumstances are unique, every engagement is…

Political Digital Marketing Services

Content Marketing

Content drives not only traffic, but conversations & trust. Create top notch content marketing strategies that speak directly to your constituents. Content doesn't win.  Optimized Content Wins!


Personalization & Targeting

Consumers expect you to utilize the data you collect to enhance their experience when they engage with you, are you taking advanatage of that opportunity?


Social Media Account Management

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest are just some of the places that allow you to speak directly to your constituents. Where are you engaging?



You can create tons of content, but it it can't be found easily, what use is it really? That's where search engine optimization comes in. Optimizing content isn't optional, its fundamental.


Digital Marketing Portfolio

Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Facebook, Twitter & Other Social Media

Author: Social Media Marketing

Award Winning Author

Author of the award winning “Social Media Marketing Book: Engaging Strategies for Facebook, Twitter & Other Social Media” published on QueBiz Press. Written for both novices & experts to apply core strategies of social media marketing including research, strategy and measurement on any social network effectively. Currently in 2nd print run, over 15K books sold

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Influence Marketing: A Marketing Guide

Contributor: Influence Now eBook by Linkdex

Influence Marketing Guide

Influence Marketing a Marketing Guide by Linkdex. Excerpt: When starting to develop an influencer marketing strategy, one should start at the foundation: listen and do your research! When you understand your audiences, yes, that is plural as most businesses have different segments that they can service, you understand what to look for...

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Twitter Marketing Guide

Contributor: Twitter Marketing Guide

Twitter Marketing Guide

Twitter Marketing Guide Momentology put together a guide to marketing on Twitter, of which I was a contributing writer. Li's focus was on showing what brands are doing things right with their accounts and engagement activities on Twitter.

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Rutgers Mini MBA Program

AdjunctProfessor: Social Media & Social Media Analytics

Rutgers Mini MBA Program: Adjunct Professor

Liana 'Li' Evans has been a Rutgers University, MBA Program focus on Social Media Marketing, Research and Implementation Strategies. Adjunct Professor for part time students and customized executive programs for companies such as Johnson & Johnson.

AISTS Sports Marketing MBA Program

AdjunctProfessor: Social Media & Social Media Analytics

Adjunct Professor: AISTS – Switzerland

Liana 'Li' Evans has been a AISTS Sports Marketing MBA Program focus on Social Media Marketing, Research and Implementation Strategies. Adjunct Professor for international students that eventually work with international sporting clubs, sports companies and government agencies

Click Z

Columnist, Speaker & Trainer

ClickZ Digital Marketing Expert

Liana 'Li' Evans has been a regular Columnist, Speaker & Trainer on the industry trade publication, ClickZ. Li covers topics from SEO, Social Media, Measurement and Integrated Digital Marketing. In Social Media, Everyone Has ‘The Right’ To Be Offended Structured Data, Google Highlighter, and How Can They Help Your Business Utilizing Social Media to Help Improve Your Local Rankings

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Video Marketing An Hour A Day

Liana Evans Featured Contributor: YouTube & Video Marketing an Hour a Day

Featured Online Marketing Heroe

Liana Li Evans Contributed to the marketing book You Tube & Video Marketing an Hour a Day by Greg Jarboe on Sibex/Wiley Press. Chapter 12 'Mysteries of Online Marketing Revealed' outlines the importance of optimization of the actual 'on site”' optimization and the words used to describes videos and their importance.

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Online Marketing Heroes

Liana Evans featured Online Marketing Hero

Featured Online Marketing Hero

Liana Li Evans has been featured as a digital marketing expert in the Michael Miller Book: Online Marketing Heroes

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  • Li is an amazing partner that has the rare ability of both completely understanding complex marketing technology at a high level and being able to explain it to others who maybe at a lower level. She has been great to work with as she is quick to listen, quick to respond, and what she shares is always valuable to the conversation. She is a preferred partner that I turn to frequently for assistance.

    RJ Allen

    (Adobe, Account Executive - Enterprise Software Sales)

  • Liana is one of those special people that provides high energy and enthusiasm to all of those around her. Li is a hard worker and is always trying to "push the envelope" when it comes to new ideas and strategies.

    Greg Meyers

    (AfterClicks Interactive, President/Founder)

  • Li is an extraordinary and natural Digital Marketer. Her hybrid profile brings a lot of value to the table. Li has a large technical experience that sets her as a subject matter expert in the digital marketing industry and at the same time she has a business profile that gives her the ability to interact with customers, understand their pain points from a sales perspective and be able to establish a relationship as a trusted advisor. Her passion sets her apart and gives her the advantage to truly engage and develop a long term relationships with co-workers and customers.

    Adriana Petrillo

    (6D Global Technologies, Inc, Channel Partner Manager)


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